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WINEQUITY is a website providing knowledge resources to analyze and to assess the business profile, the economic results and trends, the financial value and the investment outlook of public wine companies, the ones listed in International stock markets.
The companies reported in this website are classified as "dedicated wine companies", the ones that have exclusive or dominant wine production activities, and as "related companies", the ones that produce goods used for wine production (barrels and corks). This group of companies achieve an aggregate turnover of approximately € 11.0 billion.
The reported companies may be classified in two groups, MAJORS and MINORS, regarding their size in terms of business activities (sales, assets) and their trading relevance (float and capitalization).
Distillers & Vintners Index
This website gives also data and information on companies named CONGLOMERATES, the diversified companies that have a wine division whose revenues are a minority share of the total sales made also in other alcoholic beverages (beer and spirits) or in other industries. The wine production of these conglomerated companies is more than € 10 billions.

The turnover of listed companies represent an overall value above € 20 Billion which is nearly the 30% of the overall World wine business turnover that is estimated to be around $ 70-71 Billions. These figures indicate that production of the listed companies is significant and relevant to analyse the structure, the results and the trends of wine industry.

The knowledge resources offered by WINEQUITY allow investors and wine operators to:
  • Analyse and plan investments in stocks belonging to a specific industry which has distinctive business attractiveness and it has always had yield and risk performances better than the average stock market;
  • Acquire information on the trend of the wine industry with data, news and activities of listed wine companies that must publish and communicate to the markets their financial statements and the performance of their management;
  • Use the economic and financial, data, ratios and values of wine listed companies as parameters for planning and evaluating wine private businesses.
WINEQUITY is a project planned and managed by Stefano Cordero di Montezemolo (SCdM), a business administration professor and advisor who has an advanced and long lasting academic and professional experience in wine business economics, author of many publications on wine business economics, finance and governance (References - articoli: Essper) and researches on wine companies listed in International stock markets and has conceived and developed the Wine Business Stock Index managed by Mediobanca Research & Studies. LinkedinAcademiaYoutube
WINEQUITY is structured in more chapters:
A) EQUITY, the website chapter dedicated to the knowledge and the presentation of business and financial data and indicators, the production activities, the competitive dynamics, the market trends of the stock quotes and values of the wine public companies.
B) INDUSTRY, section dedicated to the information on the dynamics of the overall wine industry having a strategic and financial relevance for the planning of wine activities: data on markets and production; data on the structure of the sector, the processes of integration and collaboration between companies, from the economic, production, financial and management processes of wine companies; acquisitions; data on political, legislative, social and cultural aspects that can change the attractiveness of the sector. In this section there is a chapter named INDICES dedicated to the analysis of Distillers & Vintners stock market index and other indices measuring the trend of values and prices of quality wine trading markets.
C) ACADEMY, section reporting studies, researches, academic publications, scientific articles dedicated to the wine industry.
D) DIARY, dedicated to articles, papers, notes regarding facts, data events, opinions, researches about the public wine companies, the major private wine companies, the wine industry.

EQUITY section is divided in more chapters:
  • PROFILES which contains the data and documents presenting and describing the economic and production profiles of the individual listed companies. Each page of the listed companies contains a general description of the company, brief financial and stock market data and, furthermore, there are some sections which contain the economic, production, financial and corporate data and information of the individual companies:
VISIT WEBSITE − Link to the company website;
LIVE TECHNICAL CHART − Interactive stock chart with indicators to analyze the market price and volume trends;
FINANCIALS − Main economic-financial and market data;
ANNUAL REPORT − Link to the official annual and interim financial reports;
✓ YIELDS & VALUES table with data, ratios and values to have a quick view of the financial profile of the company;
✓ INVESTMENT GRADE Investment grade given by the analysts who follow and assess each company;
✓ STOCK OUTLINE Chart combining stock market quotes with technical indicators together with the more recent financials.
  • SUMMARY, reporting tables with a short selection of data to have a quick view of the most recent company economic data.
  • FINANCIALS, spreadsheet file with the financial of all public companies to have a whole and immediate view of this cluster.
  • QUOTES, specific chapter dedicated the representation of the stock market price and volume data of public wine companies.
  • STUDIES, dedicated to the financial analysis and the valuation of the wine companies listed in the International stock markets. The analyses and valuations are mainly focused on Major companies which offer better information and have a more attractive investment profiles.The analyses and valuations are based on a specific program named WINETRICS which uses a proprietary methodology and a distinctive database.
Sito posseduto e gestito da Stefano Cordero di Montezemolo, C.F. CRDSFN59E28H501P
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